My passion is to solve some of the many serious problems older adults and their families unfortunately face as they age. I take great pride in serving my clients with respect, patience, honesty and integrity. My legal career spans more than four decades, all of which has been devoted to assisting those who have fewer opportunities to receive quality professional legal services than others. To learn more about what inspires and motivates me to serve older adults, please click here. My legal education includes an advanced law degree (LL.M.) in Estate Planning and Elder Law from Western New England University of Law. I am accredited by the Veteran’s Administration to represent Veterans. As well, I am an active member of National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA), ElderCounsel, WealthCounsel, ElderLaw Answers, Academy of VA Pension Planners (AVAPP), the Trusts & Estates Section of the California State Bar, California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform and Coalition for Compassionate Care. These organizations and their individual members provide me with a nationwide network of professionals with whom I collaborate and share ideas and strategies in the very complex and constantly changing and evolving areas of elder law, estate planning, Medi-Cal, Social Security and Veterans benefits. I am a past President of the Northern California Chapter of NAELA. It is my privilege to serve as Board Chair on the Board of Directors of Mission Hospice & Home Care, San Mateo County's only non-profit hospice, that serves San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. As well, I also serve there as a Direct Care Volunteer, providing emotional and social support and companionship to dying individuals and their families. I was recently appointed to the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Advisory Committee. This Committee was established within the California Health and Human Services Agency to provide ongoing advice and assistance on program needs and priorities of persons impacted by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia disorders. I am certified by the Alzheimer's Association® in both their essentiALZ® and essentiALZ® Plus End-of-Life Dementia CARE Programs. I live in San Mateo with my husband, Doug, and our pet parrot, Victor, who can occasionally be heard in the background during telephone calls. I enjoy golf and cooking, although I’m probably better at the latter as it seems my slice works better on my chopping board than it does on my golf swing. California State Bar No. 104209 Accredited by the Veteran’s Administration No. 34724 |